Induction of childbirth: in which cases is it decided and what to expect?

Induction of childbirth: in which cases is it decided and what to expect?

In theory  in a pregnant woman  childbirth takes place after 40 weeks of pregnancy or 42 weeks of amenorrhea (42 SA). This phenomenon usually occurs naturally with dilation of the cervix  an expulsion phase and a delivery phase. But in some women  labor is artificially induced by the medical team.

Induction of childbirth: what are we talking about?

Induction of childbirth: what is it? " The artificial induction of labor consists of causing contractions of the uterus to start labor  that is to say the process which leads to childbirth " defines the High Authority for Health (HAS).

Induction of childbirth: under what circumstances? " An artificial induction of labor can be proposed for a medical reason or be considered for reasons of convenience (without medical indication) " answer the HAS experts.

To know. In France  between 2010 and 2016  the proportion of women who had an induction of labor remained stable at 22%. On the other hand  between 2016 and 2021  this practice increased again  rising to 25.8%. At the present time  the onset of labor therefore concerns one in four women.

Induction of childbirth: the "convenience" induction

In the event of a normal pregnancy  when there is no medical reason to induce delivery  a "convenience induction" (also called "planned delivery") can still be considered.

“ The “convenience” triggering is especially requested by women who already have one or more children  in order to be able to take care of them on D Day  reacts Dr. Joëlle Belaisch  Allart  gynecologist obstetrician. It can also be a question of guaranteeing the presence of the spouse on the day of the birth (when the latter is a sailor  soldier  etc.). "

Attention ! " This type of induction can only be performed at the end of pregnancy (from 39 weeks of amenorrhea  i.e. approximately 8 and a half months of pregnancy) and if the cervix is ​​favorable (i.e.: softened and a little open) " underlines the High Authority of Health (HAS).

" In general  the induction" of convenience "results in a rapid delivery: the pregnant woman arrives in the morning and gives birth in the afternoon " specifies the gynecologist.

Induction of labour: induction for medical reasons

The medical induction of childbirth can be decided by the medical team " because the state of the mother or the child requires that the pregnancy end and the child come out " explains Dr. Joëlle Belaisch Allart .

On the side of the future mother  it may be a question of severe high blood pressure  cholestasis of pregnancy or even unbalanced gestational diabetes . On the side of the unborn child  there may be a question of hypotrophy (the child is abnormally small) or on the contrary of hypertrophy (the child is abnormally large).

Moreover  even in the event of a normal pregnancy  overdue and/or rupture of the water bag may lead the medical team to suggest inducing labor for medical reasons.

“ In the absence of anomalies  there is no formal indication to induce labor  as long as the expected date of the term is not exceeded by at least 6 days ” notes however the High Authority of Health . In the event of a rupture of the water bag  “ an artificial induction of labor is usually proposed after a certain waiting time under antibiotics; it is generally not recommended to wait more than 2 days ” develops the HAS.

To know. When there is a medical indication to induce labor  induction can be considered regardless of the state of the cervix. However  if the cervix is ​​not "favorable" (softened and a little open  therefore)  there is a slightly higher risk of cesarean section .

Induction of childbirth: how does it happen?

In the maternity ward or in the hospital  the medical team has two methods of inducing labor: the vaginal or oral administration of prostaglandins and the intravenous infusion of oxytocin associated with a rupture of the water bag. These two methods can be used alone or successively.

To know. In the event of an induced delivery  continuous fetal monitoring must be implemented from the start of labour.

And also... In the event of an induced delivery  the contractions at the start of labor can be more painful than in the case of a spontaneous delivery. However  they can be immediately taken care of by an early epidural.

Thanks to Dr. Joëlle Belaisch Allart  gynecologist obstetrician  president of the National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF).

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